Every Day Counts
The Department of Education has produced some resources around the importance of school attendance. Research highlights a clear correlation between student attendance and the achievement of quality academic, socio-economic and health outcomes. This research tells us that students with an attendance rate below 90% are educationally at risk. At Yarrawarrah, our expected student attendance is above 95%. It is vital that your child attends school every day unless they are unwell.
As parents, we all want the best for our children and you can help your child succeed at school by supporting the school in the following ways:
- Ensure your child arrives at school on time. Every class at YPS starts the day at 9:20am with Morning Routine. This lesson is specially designed to wake up our brains and provide a strong foundation for the day’s learning. We need every student to be part of Morning Routine as it sets them up for success.
- Stay the whole day. The last session of the day at YPS is only 50 minutes long, but it is a very important time. It is the time when our students enjoy learning activities that are often creative and involve group work and collaboration. It is a wonderful time for students to enjoy learning with their friends, so we need everyone to stay until 3:20pm.
- Make appointments in suitable hours. Please make appointments during hours that will not require you to sign your child out of school before they have finished their learning.
Time away from learning adds up quickly. If you would like to know your child's attendance rate, please contact your child's teacher.