Yarrawarrah Public School

Opportunity and success in a nurturing environment.

Telephone02 9520 0277


Inclusive learning support

Inclusive learning support at our school

NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with additional learning, disability and support needs, and staff are ready to answer your questions.

Our learning support team

The school’s learning and support team plays a key role in ensuring we meet the specific needs of students with additional learning and support needs, including disability.

The team:

  • supports teachers in identifying and responding to the additional learning needs of students
  • facilitates and coordinates a whole-school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student
  • coordinates planning processes and resourcing for students with additional learning and support needs
  • designs and implements the support required to build teacher capacity so that all students access quality learning
  • develops collaborative partnerships with the school, parents and carers as well as other professionals and the wider school community.

For more information on programs and services to help students with additional learning and support needs, visit Disability, learning and support

Talk to your class teacher, or contact us to discuss your child's individual learning support needs: yarrawarra-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Visit the NSW Department of Education's Inclusive learning support hub for more information on: